Thursday, August 21, 2014

I Couldn't Sleep Last Night

Been up since 2:30am.  I think it's because Relish is moving to college today.  Nah, she'll do great. Should make watching Star and J today interesting though.

You can follow Relish's college experiences at

I hear she may learn something every day.


The Mrs. said...

I know she's all moved in and everything, but I'm still in deep denial that she's in college. Did we teach her everything she needs to know to be successful in the world? Will she be okay so far from home? Was she really sincere when she agreed to let all her aunts crash in her dorm for a fun weekend getaway?

you can call me Al said...

I know that I'm still in deep denial, so the answers to all of your questions are YES (because I still have to be able to sleep at night).