Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Inner Child Causes Panic Attacks

I'm doing a little online Christmas shopping today, which we all know means I'm aimlessly perusing  Last weekend, Jeti told me he was going to do some Cyber Monday shopping for me.  I asked him very specifically to clear the history as I can not help myself from snooping.  He won't even bring my wrapped presents over until the day we open them because he knows I will shake and analyze and weigh, etc.  Well he forgot to clear the history, so I had to promptly clear it before I gave myself a chance to think.  Problem solved.


His amazon account is still logged in.  Like right now, while I type this, there are two items in his cart.  I haven't looked yet.  I don't want to.  But I so do want to.  He likes to dangle clues he knows I'll never figure out.  It makes me crazy.  Which makes him happy.  I feel like my heart is racing faster than normal.  It's not the caffeine.  It's the anxiety.  I only had one cup of coffee this morning.  Mmmmmmm, uhhhhh, no I can't.  I won't.  Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.


The Mrs. said...

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's more fun to be surprised!!
The MC

Anonymous said...

I hope he put fake items in the cart to mess with you. Page Turner